

I just found your page by browsing youtube over facebook to actually your page about Transylvanian saxons.
I had a similar experience last year in October when I got from Germany (near stuttgart) after more than 20 years back to the village I was living till the age of 6, called Reciu (Rätsch). Still had some good memory from the past where I grew up or where my grandparents, aunts and uncles lived and several special places are. Still remember how it was living in reciu when I was little! Was great to be back, taking pictures, remembering things I almost forgot but also a little sad as there are no more saxon in the village which take care about things and a lot of the houses fall appart…

It is great to see someone putting so much effort in exploring their roots. Also to preserve some of the history which might be forgotten in some point in the future. Keep it up! Would be nice to hear from you.

Greets Kalle

– Looking for Transylvanian Saxons in the English speaking world (in fact in the US) I found your website (it’s nice to find out that there are some Saxons in GB, I had only heard of a writer of Saxon origin so far). Your questions are the same that are being asked by my generation (the 50s, 60s) of Transylvanian Saxons in Germany: Should we preserve the culture? For whom? Do our children care? Can we preserve it? etc.
Well, there are some very engaged people in Germany, who try to do their best to preserve their culture, but there are also many who are too occupied with building up a new life (after having left Romania) and/or who don’t care at all about their past, saying that we have come to another country so we should integrate into the Geramn society and not look back at the past.
In my view it might be the second genaration who might be more interested in their forefathers’ culture and try to keep it up, but of course, they might have some problems because or if they haven’t experienced it directly. Even I (57) don’t know much about how life was in the Saxon villages or towns before the Second World War, so I can imagine my children not knowing anything. The town we moved to in Germany dind’t have a big community of Transylvanian Saxons, so they didn’t learn much about our history or culture (I could have told them something, of course, but I didn’t).
It’s encouraging to see that some young people are interested in the Transylvanian Saxons. I wish you lots of luck and success for all your projects.
I’ve only got a small falt, but if you need accommodation for some nights in Nuremberg, Germany, you can contact me.
Best whishes
Ilse Orendt


—Ich finde toll, was du in Bezug auf Siebenbürgen unternimmst und wie du dich hierfür einsetzt. Ich selbst bin in Siebenbürgen geboren, war 12 Jahre alt bei unserer Ausreise nach D und merke erst in den letzten Jahren wie sehr mich der Wunsch drängt, das Land in der ich meine Kindheit verbrachte, die Heimat meiner Familie (auch meine Heimat?) näher zu verstehen und nicht vergessen zu lassen. Mach weiter so.
Konrad Jäger


—Jessica this is fantastic! Although my background isn’t Saxon, my family roots are also in Transylvania and I have recently begun learning all I can about the region and history. I would love to see the Saxon traditions and culture return there – and strongly believe this would strengthen the entire region and help bridge the East to Western Europe. Your work is preserving the roots of one of the most interesting European cultures, whose story spans the continent and the tumultuous history of Europe. All Europeans (and others I imagine) will learn a lot through this lens. In my opinion we are all enriched by the passion and work you have undertaken. Perhaps this is a turning point in history, and I’m hoping one day to see growth for myself of this cultural richness on travels to Europe.
Thank you!


—This is so amazing! It is great to see where my parents come from. It is true that there is a real threat of the extinction. I know we do not hold those traditions anymore in my family. It is very sad. We only hear the stories of what they went through and how life was like back then. But, all of my aunts and uncles are in their 80’s so eventually, it will all be just a memory for me. I had thought of writing a book myself. So glad someone did!
Lorie Wolf Wolfanger


—Löscht unsere Geschichte nicht aus euren Köpfen ! …erhaltet euer geistiges Wissen über unsere Kultur. Wir sind nur Hirntod ,wenn wir vergessen wer wir sind ,ein sterbendes Volk braucht einen Herzschrittmacher.
Georg Fritsch


—This is a great project, we all need to value this kind of cultural richness and promote a sustainable model for progress
Alex Varias


—Let us encourage something good. It is not about Dracula anymore.
Paul Hartman

3 thoughts on “comments

  1. Mi enhorabuena Jessie….un estupendo trabajo para descubrir la historia escondida de ciertos rincones de nuestra Europa, que como piezas de un puzzle van creando todo un paisaje!
    Te agradezco que nos hayas dado la posibilidad de profundizar en la historia de Transilvania…..sin rastros del “famoso Conde”…!!!
    Carmen I.B

  2. My great-grandfather came from Großkopisch and emigrated to Cleveland, Ohio. There was quite a big community of Transylvanian Saxons in Cleveland, and they even formed their own Verein: Sachsenheim. Unfortunately, I don’t know much more about the ancestry or their traditions as my Transylvanian Saxon ancestors and Banater ancestors gradually joined the larger German societies. I hope to see more food items and other information through speaking with those who lived there and carry on the traditions. Thank you for this project!

  3. This is very interesting to me as I am tracing my family back to Heltau. I wish you the best in your endeavor.

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